The rights and obligations of consumers and suppliers of natural gas are realised pursuant to Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On the natural gas market", and Rules of natural gas supply The consumer is entitled to: 1) free choice of supplier; 2) simultaneous conclusion of several contracts for natural gas supply if its annual natural gas consumption exceeds 30 million cubic meters; 3) receive natural gas in amounts determined by natural gas supply agreement , subject to keeping to its terms; 4) receive natural gas of good quality, which physical and chemical characteristics meet the standards under the terms of contracts concluded, except termination (restriction) of natural gas supply in accordance with legal requirements and contract terms; 5) obtain information about the general conditions of supply (including prices and the procedure of payment), rights and obligations of the supplier and the consumer, an indication of the legislative documents governing the relationship between the supplier and the consumer, existing methods of pre-trial resolving disputes with supplier; 6) get free information on the volume and other indicators of their own natural gas consumption; 7) preschedule termination of the supply contract if the supplier informs the consumer about the intention to amend the contract of supply in the part of terms of supply and new terms of supply are unacceptable for the consumer. 8) free change of supplier, except as provided in paragraph two, part one of Article 14 of the Ukrainian Law "On the natural gas market"; 9) independent suspension (limitation)of the gas selection for its own use in compliance with current legislation, and to inform about it in writing all natural gas market agents (participants), with whom appropriate contracts are concluded; 10) demand for natural gas supply resumption in the established order after elimination of violations and compensation fees for disconnection and connection, if the gas supply termination occurs without breaching of natural gas supply contract; 11) other rights under applicable law. The consumer must, in particular: 1) conclude an agreement on of natural gas supply; 2) enforce the discipline of natural gas selection (consumption) in the amounts and on the terms stipulated by the contract; 3) ensure full and on time payment for natural gas under the terms of contracts; 4) implement measures aimed at preventing the threat of life or injury, equipment and products damage, adverse environmental effects, etc. in case of a notice of termination (limitation) of natural gas supply (distribution / transportation); 5) prevent unauthorized selection of natural gas; 6) provide access for supplier’s authorized representatives to the territory of their own facilities for checking data of actual natural gas consumption ; 7) provide unhindered access of authorized representatives of gas transportation system operator, gas distribution system operator to the accounting units for natural gas and to establish units for gas accounting; 8) timely sign documents of gas acceptance and transfer and other documents necessary for the implementation of the natural gas supply Agreement; 9) ensure the compliance of commercial unit /units of gas accounting with the Law of Ukraine "On metrology and metrological activity", state building codes SBC V.2.5-20-2001 "Gas supply", Rules for gas accounting during its transportation gas by gas distribution networks, supply and consumption, approved by the Ukraine Ministry of fuel and energy dated on December 27, 2005 № 618 and so on. Immediately notify the Supplier and transportation organizations about the problems of gas acoounting temperature measuring and gas pressure equipment. 10) to independently restrict (suppress) natural gas consumption in the following cases: - violation of terms of payment under the contract for the natural gas supply; - the absence or insufficiency of proven natural gas volume allocated to the consumer; - excessive daily rate and / or monthly amount of proven natural gas volume without the consent of the supplier; - absence of the signed natural gas supply contract; - other cases stipulated by the law. 11) comply with the demands of applicable law. The supplier is entitled to, in particular: 1) contract of natural gas supply with any consumer and at the absence of consumer’s overdue arrears for natural gas to the current supplier, supply natural gas to consumers in the period following the period of natural gas supply by the current supplier; 2) receive from the consumer timely payment for natural gas according to the terms of the contract; 3) unhindered access (upon presenting an official certificate) to the commercial gas accounting Units , installed at the consumer gas consumption facilities for checking data of actual natural gas consumption; 4) complete and accurate information from the consumers, with which an agreement is signed, concerning the mode of natural gas consumption; 5) initiate suspension (limitation) of natural gas supply to consumers in accordance with the contract for the natural gas supply and according to the requirements of Rules of natural gas supply; 6) other rights under applicable law The supplier must, in particular: 1) comply with the terms of the natural gas supply Agreement and natural gas supply Rules. 2) provide the natural gas supply on terms and in amounts determined by the contract for the supply of natural gas subject to a consumer keeps to the of discipline natural gas selection and payment for it; 3) ensure the submission of all required documents to confirm the GTS operator necessary volume of natural gas for the consumer if the consumer executed their duties to the supplier, for ordering the necessary for the consumer natural gas amount; 4) in due course to consider the inquiries of consumers regarding activities related to the supply of natural gas; 5) promptly provide consumer with accurate information, including the Law of Ukraine "On peculiarities of access to information about the supply of electricity, natural gas, heating, central hot water supply, central water supply and sanitation", as well as data on the actual charges ( volume and value) for the services of gas supply to allow consumers to adjust their consumption of natural gas; 6) provide the Consumer with the necessary information about general supply conditions (including price), rights and obligations of the supplier and the consumer, volumes and other indicators of gas consumption,indicating legislation documents governing the relationship between the supplier and the consumer, existing ways of pre-trial dispute solving, by means of placing it (information) on the Supplier’s official website. 7) inform the Consumer on time if the Supplier is in the process of liquidation or bankruptcy, or the Supplier is in the procedure of natural gas supply license suspension / annulment , or their (Supplier’s) license for natural gas supply has been withdrawn or its effect stopped, and about the lack of natural gas resources. 8) prepare and agree on the natural gas acceptance and transfer document in the order prescribed by the Contract. 9) comply with the minimal standards and requirements for quality of service for of natural gas consumers; 10) arrange points of contact to provide consumers with information; 11) provide the consumer with the final bill (invoice) after the change of supplier or termination of the contract for natural gas supply no later than six weeks after such change or termination of the contract; 12) carry out other duties required by applicable law. |
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