days of successful gas supply
м3 is realized
More than
satisfied customers


   Газ на українському ринку подешевшав до мінімуму за останні 1,5 року.

Ціни на природний газ на українському ринку на торгах у вівторок, 28 лютого, вперше за 1,5 року впали нижче 20 тис грн за тисячу кубометрів.
ПАТ "Укрнафта" на аукціоні на "Українській енергетичній біржі" у вівторок продала 10 млн куб м ресурсу березня за ціною 16 250 грн/тис куб м (без ПДВ) або 19 500 грн/тис куб м (з ПДВ).
                            детальніше »


   Please be informed that in accordance with point 9 of Chapter 6 of Section XIV of the Gas Transmission System Code for the gas day of 02.03.2023 року:

- the marginal sale price is 19 224,00 UAH/tcm including VAT;

- the weighted average price of short-term standardized products per gas day (D) is 21 360,00 UAH/tcm including VAT;

- the marginal purchase price is 23 496,00 UAH/tcm including VAT

                              more details »
Шановні споживачі!
Просимо взяти до уваги, що з 1.02.2021 року ТОВ "ВКФ "ТЕПЛОБУД" тимчасово призупиняє постачання природного газу побутовим споживачам.


The price of natural gas for the needs of household consumers for the delivery period from 1 to 28 February (inclusive) 2021 is UAH 6.99 per 1 cubic meter with VAT (according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 18.01.2021 №25).
the information was posted on January 26, 2021   
The price of natural gas for the needs of household consumers for the delivery period from 1 to 31 January (inclusive) in 2021 is UAH 7.22 per 1 cubic meter, including VAT and excluding the cost of transportation by main pipelines and the cost of distribution services.
the information was posted on December 26, 2020   



The price of natural gas for the needs of household consumers for the delivery period from 1 to 31 December (inclusive) in 2020 is UAH 6.25 per 1 cubic meter, including VAT and excluding the cost of transportation by main pipelines and the cost of distribution services
the information was posted on November 25, 2020   



The price of natural gas for the needs of household consumers for the delivery period from 1 to 30 November (inclusive) in 2020 is UAH 6.65 per 1 cubic meter, including VAT and excluding the cost of transportation by main pipelines and the cost of distribution services
the information was posted on October 23, 2020   



The price of natural gas for the needs of household consumers for the delivery period from 1 to 31 October (inclusive) 2020 is 5,40 UAH per 1 cubic meter, including VAT and excluding the cost of transportation by main pipelines and the cost of distribution services

information posted on 25.09.2020   
   Price for household consumers: UAH 5.55 per m3 of natural gas
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